Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is Hip Dysplasia?

Many of you are conjuring up images of hip dysplasia. However, what exactly is hip dysplasia? First let’s go over the breakdown of the word and go from there.

According to my medical terminology text you can break down dysplasia into different parts.
dys- means abnormal, difficult
-plasia means formation

Therefore, from that information we can glean the word dysplasia means abnormal formation or abnormal tissue growth.  In my case, it pertains to abnormal formation of the hip.

In my previous post on hip dysplasia, I wrote about congenital bilateral subluxation of the hips. I am certain many of you were left perplexed after reading it. Pondering, what does it mean and how do you say it? I hope the following definitions and links help you understand what it is.

congenital: a malformation usually present at birth


bilateral: relating to the left and right sides of the body (in my case the hips)


bi- means twice, or double
-lateral means to the side

subluxation: partial dislocation between joint surfaces


sub- means less than, under, inferior
-luxation means complete dislocation

Now, you should be able to understand that I have partial dislocation of both hips due to malformed bones present since birth.

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