Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Laundry Desperation: A Skinnier Jeans Tale

So, out of desperation this morning trying to get dressed, I tried on a pair of my skinnier jeans. Not my skinny jeans, just my skinnier jeans. This may be confusing, however it is not.  Most women have their skinny jeans, I have my skinnier jeans. I call them that due to the nature of my weight loss endeavor. I am undergoing a change in my life and my body. After years of a variety of things that caused me to gain weight including some medication side effects (i.e. prednisone and I have a love/hate relationship), I am getting to where I used to be, where I want to be.

Currently, the hamper is overflowing awaiting sorting day. I needed to get my act together. So, I decided after searching for clean jeans, to give my used to fit in these when I was skinnier pile. I was shell shocked! I fit in them! I didn’t have fight, scream, suck in, or stop breathing. It was a divine moment. I am thrilled! This means within a matter of time, I will be able to donate or trash my fat clothes and dive back in to my skinnier jeans and pants pile. What a thrill it will be to fit back in all of them.

My goal is to see those get too big and move on to a newly purchased pile of skinnier jeans. I will not be able to call them skinny jeans until I get to my ideal weight. Until then, I am going to enjoy the ride! :)

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